There is a wonderfully slimy hobby you can take part in as well as learn many scientific concepts along the way. It’s called slime-making. You may be surprised to learn that slime has many practical uses beyond its fun form.

Making slime is a great way to have fun with science. Not only can you make several types of slime, but you can also learn while you play. Would you like to know how?


First, what is slime?

Slime is a thick and slippery liquid substance.

Slime is normally made from non-toxic substances and is primarily green in colour.

Andy and Randy making slime

Uses in Nature

Slime has a number of uses. Here are some amazing ways slime can be used by humans.

Slime in a naturally occurring setting has many practical uses. For example, algae is icky and sticky yet is an essential element of an ecosystem.


And in mucus, for respiratory health. Mucus has an important role in your lung’s immune response because it traps irritants in your airways and helps allow your body to expel them through coughing. This helps protect you from infection.


In snails and slugs, slime is a kind of mucus (an external bodily secretion) that they produce.

In both slugs and snails, slime is used as natural protection from the sun’s rays, bacteria, and cuts. Its protective and regenerative properties have even led to its use as an ingredient in skin care treatments for humans.

Slime is a fun and colorful way to have fun. It’s a wonderful way to play, bond with friends and family, and can brighten up a dull day. Just remember to clean it up after!

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